

Following in the Footsteps of Hitler

Rumors in southern Argentina were always constant and Abel Basti stated in his book, "Following in the Footsteps of Hitler", the definitive research on the Nazi leader postmortem exile in Argentina and other countries in the region, published in Basti Editorial Planeta and summarizing 20 years of hard work: "I ended up believing it when I started interviewing witnesses who had been with Hitler in Argentina".


Numerous testimonies cited by Basti corroborate the presence of the Führer in the region.

Such is the case of Eloisa  Luján, who was one of the "tasters" of the of the meals served Hitler to assure him that the foodstuffs were not poisoned, and Angela Soriani, the niece of Hitler's cook, Carmen Torrentegui at  Hacienda San Ramon.

"The presence of the German leader in this corner of Patagonia was an open secret, was not that everyone knew that Hitler was on that estate but those who did know, such as employees of the Hacienda, downplayed the topic","said Basti.

"For rural people the war was practically nonexistent, no radio, newspapers were sent once a month and not everyone read them. They there had been a war but did not have the dimension of the conflict nor the particular characters", he added.
Basti, in his book also includes data on the Regentröpfchen operation, which was supposedly the escape plan designed by the Nazis in 1944 to evacuate westward men - military, scientific, technical - currencies, gold, inventions, technological developments, etc.  in order to leave nothing in the hands of the Russians, and recorded  some 20-30,000 Nazis who arrived in Argentina.

Hitler "did not live cloistered" but freely moved not only around Bariloche but also visited other South American countries like Paraguay, Brazil, and Colombia. He used different identities but the most important one was Kurt Bruno Kirchner. Under that name he traveled to Asuncion after the overthrow of Gen. Juan Domingo Perón in 1955.

Then there is the testimony of a Brazilian, Fernando Nogueira de Araujo, son of a Nazi leader, which states that the Führer died on 5 February 1971 and is buried in a crypt in an old underground Bunker Nazi in Paraguay, where today rises a "modern and exclusive hotel".

Abel Basti in his book states that Nogueira de Araujo was an active sergeant in 1973 and was 29 years old when he received a special invitation from his friend Harold Ernest, son of a Brazilian Nazi leader to travel for some days to Paraguay, with fully paid trip and accomodation.

"Fernando was the only Brazilian representative invited to participate in this incredible event attended by about forty selected people, mostly elderly who had known Hitler'.
Nogueira de Araujo with wife traveled to Paraguay, according to the story, but she could not attend the ceremony because women were denied access.

"Already nearly forty or so guests were gathered, Fernando was the only Brazilian. They descended in an elevator to the lower levels of the Bunker. There was a door to a staircase leading to a crypt, where Hitler's coffin was placed.

"When the whole group was assembled, it was announced that the entrance to the crypt would be sealed, and one of the people who were present took a bucket of cement and a trowel.

Then, he began to lay bricks to close the narrow entrance to the crypt of the Führer, building a wall that blocked access to the coffin that holds the mortal remains of Hitler. After that job was done, the ceremony concluded  and the guests left".

Given that this story sounded fanciful, reporter Diego Ponce de León, the prestigious journal of "Post Brasilia", sought to at least confirm whether such Sergeant Fernando Nogueira de Araujo existed in reality.

Not only did he find him, but Nogueira de Araujo sent him a current photograph of himself, at 70 years of age, the first to be disclosed in the press.

In the Army Group North Sector probably the most famous Sturmgeschütz Ace was 
Knight’s Cross Holder
Wachtmeister Kurt Kirchner [StuG.Abt.667].

With his Assault Gun III
[Sd.Kfz. 142] in three days of fierce fighting in February of 1942,  
he destroyed 30 enemy tanks of the Red Army.  Sturmgeschütz III, short version E "Stub" [fitted with a low-velocity 75 mm StuK 37 L/24 gun to destroy soft-skin targets and fortifications], was actually powerless against the KW-1 and T-34 tanks of the enemy, only the long version F [Sd. Kfz. 142/1] equipped with a high-velocity 75 mm StuK 40 L/43 main gun] had a chance.  Nevertheless, Kirchner proved that even with the short barreled main gunit was possible by deft maneuveringand clever use of terrain for the StuG III to overpower the most fearsome armored adversaries.
He was awarded the Knight's Cross
for this outstanding performance

Nogueira de Araujo did not want to give an interview, but agreed to answer through his friend and eventual spokesperson, freelance journalist Marcelo Netto, Sao Paulo, giving the same information he gave to Basti, for inclusion in his controversial book .
"When he [Fernando] was invited to attend the ceremony, he did not know what it was. He figured that he would only find his friend Harold [Ernest]," said Netto. "The certainty that was Hitler began to take shape during the ceremony itself, all took for granted that it was the corpse of Hitler.

"Any doubts were dispelled when he [the sergeant Nogueira Araujo] returned to Brazil and found two other people who had participated in the event".

Nogueira de Araujo, as well as Netto and Basti, refuse to give further details about where the crypt could be found, the name of the alleged German hotel and its exact location.

Fact or fantasy?  In the absence of more concrete evidence, doubts remain.  But at least the indirect testimony of the former Brazilian sergeant is another element that confirms the version already established previously by other authors, such as the Paraguayan historian Mariano Llano, who in the first edition of his book "Hitler and Nazis in Paraguay", published in 2004, argued that Hitler died in Paraguay.?

With the fall of Juan Domingo Perón in 1955, several Nazis preferred to leave Argentina and they chose to go to live in Paraguay.  Perón himself, in the face of the uprising that overthrew him, opted to flee into exile on a Paraguayan warship to Asuncion, the capital of that bordering country [he would then continue on his way to Central America and finally to Spain].

By that time, Paraguay and Chile were the safest countries for the Nazis in the South American continent.  Alfredo Stroessner maintained close relations with the United States and received credits and military aid North American by its anti-communist policy.  But, in spite of that help, it was characterized by not allowing the Americans to have a direct interference in his government.  He was not a docile ally and for this reason, in 1989, the CIA orchestrated a coup d'etat that deposed him.  

Stroessner is known to have harbored important Nazis such as Martin Bormann, Hans Rudel, Otto Skorzeny, Eduard Roschmann and Dr. Josef Mengele, among other fugitives.  But is it possible that the Führer himself has been residing in Paraguay governed by dictator Stroessner?

Rodolfo Freude, the scion of a wealthy Argentine German family, was a close advisor of Argentine President Juan Perón and served as his Director of the Information Division [División de Informaciones]. Perón named him his Chief of Intelligence in 1946.

According to Argentinian historians, he was a savior to some of the most notorious war criminals in history. Thanks to him, hundreds of Nazi officers and alleged French, Belgian and Croatian collaborators found a haven in this faraway South American country.

According to documents, Freude's agency organized a network of agents who smuggled the fugitives to Buenos Aires through way stations in Milan, Italy, Madrid, and other cities.

The revelations in Uki Goni's "The Real Odessa," have led Jewish organizations to demand that the government release documents related to the Nazis.

In polite, brief letters, the Secret Service and the Foreign Ministry have said their files contain no such documents.

"It's totally inconceivable that the Argentine Secret Service has nothing on this period," Goni, a writer and investigative journalist, said in an interview.

Freude was part of a secret assistance network for suspected Croatian, Belgian, French and German war criminals, according to documents uncovered by Goni and other investigators.

Given new identities by Argentine spies and by sympathizers in the Italian church, the suspects would receive visas from immigration officials here to work as "technicians."

Josef Mengele, the infamous doctor of Auschwitz, escaped to Argentina in 1949 thanks to the network, arriving in Buenos Aires still in possession of the records of his ruthless experiments on twins in the Nazi death camps.

Beatriz Gurevich, an investigator with the Delegation of Argentine Israelite Assns., traveled to Argentine embassies and consulates in Stockholm, Milan and other cities to pore through their records.

But it was in the National Archives in Buenos Aires that Gurevich found perhaps the most revealing document. It detailed the existence of "secret advisors" with the authority to smooth the passage of suspected war criminals through Argentine immigration.

"Their signatures carried the weight of law," Gurevich said, even though most of the advisors were themselves suspected war criminals, such as Branko Benzon, who was ambassador to Berlin for the Nazi puppet state in Croatia. "The documents made it clear their authority had come directly from the president."

Perhaps the most important man in the Argentine Intelligence network aiding the entrants was Carlos Fuldner, an Argentine-born captain of German descent who served in Hitler's SS.

After the war, Fuldner joined Freude's secret service, establishing "rescue offices" in Italy and Switzerland. Some fleeing suspected war criminals were granted an audience with President Peron just days after their arrival in Buenos Aires, according to documents uncovered by Goni.

A strongman who ruled Argentina from 1946 to 1955 and from 1973 to 1974, Peron told friends privately that he believed the Nazi leadership had gotten a raw deal in the landmark war crimes trials at Nuremberg.

Mythology:  Books assure that Hitler lived in Argentina.  It is a version that has multiplied like a Legend....
By Isidoro Gilbert

Ian Kershaw is considered the most important biographer of Hitler and one of the most important historians of the period 1936-1945.  About the last moments inf the Führer Bunker in the Chancellery in Berlin on 30 Apri l1945 he wrote:

"Hitler retreated behind the doors of his studio for the last time.  Eva Braun followed him almost immediately.  It is almost 3:30 pm.  During the next few minutes, Göbbels, Bormann, [...] and other of the Bunker community wait.  Günsche stood guard at the door of the room ... It was Linge who took the initiative after waiting about ten minutes without being having heard anything in the room of Hitler, with Bormann, and opened the door cautiously.  Hitler and Eva Braun were sitting together on the small sofa in the narrow and cramped study.  She was slumped to the left of it.  Her body gave off a strong odor of bitter almonds, the characteristic odor of prussic acid.  Hitler's head hung limply.  A bullet hole in his right temple dripped blood.  At his feet was his pistol, a Walther 7.65 mm....."

However, a myth was born. Hitler did not die in the Bunker and survived, in Patagonia, for example. 

Kershaw then tells how both bodies were cremated outside the Bunker and that after the Soviets arrived there on 2 May found the remains. 

"Nine days later they showed a cigar box containing part of a jaw and two dental bridges" that dentists, checking their files, said belonged to Hitler and Eva. 

Academics and Intelligence came to the same conclusion about the end of Hitler and Eva Braun.  But not the Argentine journalist Abel Basti, who argues that the dictator and his wife came to Argentina in the winter of 1945. Basti, "Ambito Financiero" correspondent in Bariloche and editor of the "South", repeating the subject, has published another work, "In the Footsteps of Hitler" - The final research - His life in Argentina -  Who hid it - Where he died.

Basti states that the fugitive couple arrived in a submarine departed from Hamburg to a point in the Patagonia.  In San Antonio Oeste he took the train line, under guard, to Bariloche where a Mercedes Benz took him to the Estancia San Román, owned by a German and Nazi businessman.  He traveled to Cordoba, where a family friend, with whom he had corresponded in the past, owned La Falda Hotel Eden;  Also to Mar del Plata and Chubut from where he watched the Atlantic sitting on a bench, seen by locals who identified him as Hitler.  He also traveled to other places according to the story, even traveling to Colombia, Brazil and Paraguay.  In the last country he died and his remains were stored inside a concrete block under an unnamed hotel.  Braun had conceived two children with him.  In all places where the Führer was he was "greeted with respect and honor" he had talks even with Juan and Eva Perón, Jorge Antonio and other leaders of Perónism, as well as the Croatian Ante Pavelic, Bormann and other Nazis, all, Basti says, protected by Perón. Something else: he died the dictator, Bormann later had differences with Perón, and in anger, financed the military coup against him in 1955.

Basti filmed thirty witnesses in different places as he walked "in the footsteps of Hitler". Few said they had seen him, most remember hearing the story from a member of their family.

Given the conditions  of many thousands of Germans coming to Argentina after World War II, the Legend is easy to weave. The ease with which criminals managed to reach Argentina after the war, can be easily been demonstrated, not only Germans but Austrians, Croatians, Italians, Serbs, Romanians, White Russians.  The idea that eventually became widespread is the underwater arrival on Patagonian beaches or at the Villa Gesell; unloading bullion, jewelry and especially former officers preparing the ground for Myth, or rather Legend.  It is not a minor detail that since before World War II, Argentinia was based on a strong German community with acute Nazi influence with some bastions: Belgrano, Villa Ballester, Villa General Belgrano, La Falda, La Cumbrecita, Bariloche. This helped encourage the power of the Legend. 

There  is also public skepticism about many events.  For instance, even now 11% of Americans disbelieve that man reached the moon in 1969. How many, not only in Argentina, have doubts about the fate of Adof Hitler?

Brazilian Confirms that he Attended Hitler's Funeral in Paraguay

Fernando Nogueira de Araujo admitted to the "Brazilian Mail" that he participated in the ceremony in which the Nazi leader was buried in Paraguay.  
By Andrés Colmán Gutiérrez and Stefi Céspedes
10 March 2014

"I Buried Hitler" reads the title of a report published in the Brazilian newspaper "Correo Braziliense", along with a photograph of retired sergeant Fernando Nogueira de Araujo, first published in the press.

In the article, the ex-military man admits -through a spokesman- he in fact, participated in a secret ceremony held in 1973, somewhere in Paraguay, where the Nazi leader -according to official history committed suicide in Berlin in 1945- was buried in a secret Bunker, now concealed in the basement of a hotel.

This version, investigated by reporter Diego Ponce de León, of the prestigious newspaper of Brasilia, confirms that the alleged witness, quoted by the Argentine writer and journalist Abel Basti, in his book "Following the Footsteps of Hitler", really exists and currently is 70 years old.

Nogueira de Araujo did not want to give a personal interview, but agreed to respond through his friend and eventual spokesman, the independent journalist Marcelo Netto, from Sao Paulo, the same that gave the information to Basti, to include in his controversial book .

According to Abel Basti, Fernando Nogueira de Araujo was an active sergeant in 1973 and was 29 years old when he received a special invitation from his friend Haroldo Ernest, the son of a Brazilian Nazi leader, to travel during for some days to Paraguay, with transport and stay completely paid.

Fernando says that he was the only Brazilian representative invited to participate in this incredible event that would have been attended by about forty selected people, mostly older people who had met Hitler," Basti emphasizes in the book.

Nogueira de Araujo traveled to Paraguay with his wife, according to the story, although she could not attend the ceremony, because the women were not allowed access.

"Once in the place, with their identities accredited, the nearly forty guests were gathered -Fernando being the only Brazilian- and they descended, in an elevator, to the lowest levels of the Bunker, to a staircase that led to a crypt, where Hitler's coffin was located," the story continues.

"When the whole group was assembled, it was announced that the entrance to the crypt would be closed, and one of the people who was present took a bucket with cement and a mason's spatula to the narrow entrance to the Führer's crypt, building a wall that blocked access to the coffin that holds Hitler's dead remains. After that work was completed, the ceremony concluded and the guests ascended, "concludes Basti.

Because of the fantastic elements of this version sounded, the reporter Diego Ponce de León, of the "Brazilian Mail", tried to confirm if at least the said Sgt. Fernando Nogueira de Araujo exists in real.

Not only did he find him, but Nogueira de Araujo gave him a picture of himself at the age of 70, the first to be known to the press.

"As in the book, Fernando preferred to give his statements through the same journalist Marcelo Netto, who also gave the first data on the subject to Abel Basti, who happened, in a certain way, to represent him in  2007 in search of the publication of the results of the investigation on the Nazi presence in Brazil, and Fernando is a fundamental piece in Netto's investigations, "says Ponce de León, in a report published last 6 March in the "Brazilian Mail".

The material, through Netto, the former sergeant Nogueira de Araujo fully confirms to the Brazilian journalist that he was in Paraguay in 1973, at the supposed funeral ceremony of the Nazi leader Adolf Hitler.

"When he [Fernando] was invited to participate in the ceremony, he did not know what it was about," Netto said, conveying the former military man's version. "The certainty that it was Hitler began to take shape during the ceremony itself", emphasizes the version given to the journalist.

At the ceremony, which supposedly happened in a Bunker, on the grounds of a site where a German hotel was built, in an undisclosed location in Paraguay, everyone assumed that it was Hitler's corpse.

"Any doubts were dispelled when he [Nogueira de Araujo] returned to Brazil and found two other people, among the 40 who had participated in the event," says Netto, in the version given to the "Brazilian Mail".

Both Nogueira de Araujo and Netto and Basti refuse to give more details about the place where the crypt would be, as the name of the supposed German hotel and its exact location.

Reality or fantasy?  In the absence of more concrete evidence, the doubts will continue.  But, at least, the indirect testimony of the former Brazilian sergeant is one more element, which allows for a stronger back up of the version already established by other authors, such as the Paraguayan historian Mariano Llano, who in the first edition of his book "Hitler and The Nazis in Paraguay," published in 2004, has already claimed that Hitler died in Paraguay, a subject that is once again resonating worldwide.

Exerpts from Abel Basti's "Following the Footsteps of Hitler"

Research by Rainer Tilch  writes:

Paraguayan-German journalist Rainer Tilch is the person who knows most about Hitler's life in Paraguay. I established a relationship with him several years ago, during which time we exchanged information to clarify details of the presence of the Nazi leader in South America. 

Tilch's arguments for maintaining that Hitler lived in Paraguay are based on the testimony of Professor Karl Bauer, an old German scientist who died in 1995; Hermann Rademacher, a German who lived in Caacupé, who was murdered in 2001 in the Chaco; and Helmut Janz, a Mennonite, an official of the German embassy and editor of the newspaper "Neues für Alle", who died in 2007. I also had an interview with history professor Mariano Llano, who wrote his own book on Hitler's life in Paraguay.

Tilch, in 1990, received information from professor and ornithologist Karl Bauer, a resident of Ytú, Caacupé.  Bauer -who carried out archaeological and anthropological research in Paraguay  told Tilch that he knew the history of Hitler, especially through the Germans in the Altos region, and particularly because one of them had revealed that he had personally met the Nazi leader. 

Tilch recalled that "one night we were discussing military matters from World War II when he [Bauer] suddenly told me that all the tales about Hitler's suicide were false". Bauer told Tilch that Hitler "had, like every ruler, the last means available to escape and made use of them. He fled to Argentina and later came to Paraguay". 

As Tilch replied that he did not believe in that version, Bauer, with emphasis, told him:

"If you do not want to believe me, I'm going to introduce you to some old Germans from the Altos area, who know a lot more about it than I do. One who personally knew the Führer. Come one day Sunday and I go with you to Altos".

Unfortunately that trip was never made because Tilch did not believe that Hitler had survived the war; of course that now that he has more data, he deplores not having co-ordinated with Bauer a trip to visit the German who claimed to have been with the Nazi leader in Paraguay.

The other testimony that Tilch found was that of a German, Hermann Rademacher, who told him about Hitler in Paraguay, and encouraged him to tell him that information after Stroessner was overthrown in 1989.

In those years Rademacher lived in Caacupé, capital of the department Of Cordillera, about 50 km east of Asunción.  He was 55 years old and was married to a Paraguayan, a school teacher, with whom he had two children.

"One day I went to the post office in the center, in the square behind the church. It was a place frequented by Germans because there was still no E-mail and many received their correspondence by mail. There I occasionally met Rademacher and when it was a hot day and I was thirsty I invited him to have a beer in the bar next door, the "Harpa-Bar", which was very frequented by Germans. We would drink together one or two or three beers, talking about our Life, experiences in the country, international politics, the recent fall of Stroessner, which all Germans lamented, and the new "democracy" that did not promise so many good things," Tilch recalled.
"At that time, Mr. Rademacher told me that Stroessner had always been very good to the Germans and that he had protected many good compatriots who had to flee Europe at the end of World War II, including the famous Dr. Mengele, Martin Bormann and, what very few knew,  Hitler himself and his wife as well".

Tilch, at that time -as was mentioned above- did not believe in the story of a living Hitler in Paraguay, and when he heard the tale, he thought that the man was repeating what he might possibly have heard from Professor Bauer.
He then asked the source of the information and Rademacher replied:

"I have a small real estate agency, I sell farms and farms to foreigners and manage their properties in their absence, so I have many contacts in this beautiful area and towards Lake Ypacaraí I know some Germans, old settlers of the area, who assured me that Hitler lived here in Cordillera, near Caacupé, and that he had  friendships with some German families in the area".
Tilch explained that during those years, "I was incredulous, I did not believe anything [by Rademacher] but I did not want to offend him, so I preferred to talk about other things. So I then said goodbye and I went home. Mr. Rademacher no longer lives".

Rademacher, who in recent years had a hostel on the Transchaco Route, was killed by an alcoholic who shot him at point-blank range.

The other qualified testimony that Tilch found was former diplomat Helmuth Janz, who served as secretary at the German Embassy in Paraguay between 1967 and 1972. Janz was born in 1943 in Siberia, He was a a member of the Mennonite Brothers Church, and had served as private secretary to the ambassadors Dr. Hubert Krier and Hanns Becker von Sothen.
Janz was editor of the newspaper "Neues für Alle" and hired Tilch in 1995 to write for it. Janz told Tilch details of his duties at the German Embassy in Asuncion, and confessed to him that in the 1960s he had to regularly visit several elderly Nazis who lived in Paraguay to give them money that came to them from Germany.  These were unofficial "war pensions," since these people, possibly due to their actions in the past, could not be retired on the German government's public lists, even though they discreetly collected their retirement benefits that were paid with Reserved funds. 

Although Janz knew the true identity of these men, he did not know who one of them was, since in that case the mysterious person was protected by the degree of "Confidentiality 3", that is, the maximum protection of personal data, according to the secret code that managed German diplomacy  in those times. This meant that only the ambassador knew who this man really was, who covertly charged his retirement assets.  He was a man of short stature, who had prostate cancer and was in terminal condition.  According to Janz's account, the man lived in an apartment in Asunción, was permanently in bed and only got up to go to the bathroom.  When he died, in 1971, the Embassy was in charge of his burial and then burned all the documentation belonging to him.

When Tilch listened again and again to the story from Janz himself, he decided to show him pictures of Bormann and the former diplomat replied: "It was undoubtedly him, but he was already old and very destroyed at the time".  Janz said over and over that, at the time, he did not know that it was the senior Nazi.
Bormann had arrived in Paraguay in 1956, living for a couple of years in a property of Alban Drug, in Hohenauen the area of ​​Alto Paraná.  During the years 1958-1959 he was attended, due to his bad state of health, by Dr. Josef Mengele, the fugitive from justice who had also settled in Paraguayan land. 

When one of the German veterans, who collected their pensions in Paraguay, died, Janz had the task of collecting all the records and documents of that person; employees at the German Embassy in Asuncion then seny them, as a "closed case", to Germany.  But in Bormann's case, he was excluded from this task, and the German ambassador Hanns Becker Sothen, who had taken over the post in 1970, secretly dealt with these matters personally.
The year after his death in Paraguay, which would have occurred in 1971, Bormann's body "appeared" in Berlin, where it was ruled that he had died in 1945.

His body was reportedly buried in a Paraguayan cemetery and then was exhumed to secretly transfer it to Germany, where it  served in the parody of the "discovery" of the skeleton.  Bormann was "killed by decree" in 1945, which had been facilitated by the above maneuver, to hide traces of events -involving businessmen, military and officials with the high Nazi hierarchy- that occurred after the war - an obscure plot of spurious complicity and interests which, if Bormann had really died in 1945, could never have occurred.

Concerning the Führer, Janz told Tilch that he had met  a German who was sure to he had seen Hitler and Eva Braun at the big annual party of the German Shooting Association of Altos ["Verein Patria"] in 1968.

During those years, Janz enjoyed an important notoriety since he served as private secretary to ambassador Hubert Krier. Every year, the club threw a celebration, which included a shooting contest, which involved Nazi veterans.  The audience greeted it with a "Heil Hitler!" with right arm held high and hand outstretched, as in the old days.
At that time, Janz started drinking beer with a compatriot and, speaking of politics, told him that he had not liked Hitler to commit suicide like a coward, shooting himself in the head.  But the other man answered that this was not true, since Hitler had escaped and had lived in Paraguay.  Janz told him that he did not believe in that story and the man replied that not only himself, but other people had the same information - it was a detail of Hitler's life in South America.  He also assured him that in one of the parties of the Sports Club of Altos, in the late sixties, Hitler was accompanied by a German family and a blond woman in their fifties.

He wore a suit with a tie and she wore a gray dress.  The witness immediately recognized Hitler, even though his hair was cut short and he had no mustache.  According to Janz's compatriot, Hitler -when he arrived at the party, not everyone knew that it was the Führer- was greeted by the old Nazis militarily, and then he greeted his old comrades one by one, shaking hands in silence.
According to this account, Hitler spent little time in the club; chatted a little with some elderly people, ate some snacks and withdrew from the place accompanied by the same people with whom he had arrived.  As he left, the rumor -that the old man who had been there just a few minutes before was Hitler- ran like wildfire among those present.
In recent times, Tilch was able to access new information related to the state of health and the physical appearance of the Nazi leader, through interviews with an old commissioner, and Francisca Acosta, maid of General Emilio Díaz de Vivar and Carmen von Schmeling, a neighbor of the town of Areguá.  The latter is the daughter of the German Hans Hugo von Schmeling and the Paraguayan Carmen Esther Caballero.

At the time of writing this book [2012], she is 85 years old and lives with her husband Arnaldo Bareiro in a house located next to the farm of Díaz de Vivar in Areguá.
According to Tilch, the woman's mother was "a very good friend" of the military and was even rumored that she -and later also Carmen- were lovers of Emilio Diaz de Vivar, but always denied it. 
According to the testimony given by Mrs. Carmen [the daughter], Hitler visited the mentioned Paraguayan general at least once.  The Führer "arrived in an official government car with a military escort, wearing a jacket and beret like the one used by paratroopers, but military custom did not allow people to approach and for this reason was only seen from a distance".

The maid, Francisca Acosta, perfectly remembers this circumstance and testifies that the Nazi leader and Diaz de Vivar met in the park of the farm where they had an extensive dialogue.  According to the testimony of the commissioner interviewed by Tilch, whose identity was kept in reserve, the Paraguayan police apparently had documentation of all German refugees in Paraguay, including that of Hitler, kept in the basement of the Ministry of Interior.

When the military coup against Stroessner occurred in 1989, all that documentation was hidden and many years later appeared in the police station of the town of Lambaré.

As well as the elderly  commissioner, Tilch also interviewed another policeman who was Stroessner's personal custodian.  Both confirmed to him to have data on the presence of the Nazi chief in Paraguay.  The commissioner said that he saw Hitler at a German military meeting held in the village of Villa Elisa in the house of a German couple.  In reference to the couple, who received the Nazi leader in their house, Tilch, referring to the story of the police chief, stated "the lady was a well-known writer, Erika zum Buttel , apparently a good friend of Hitler and his wife". 

According to Tilch, in Paraguay, "high ranking Nazis never bought houses - they lived in rented properties or in houses borrowed by friends," together with Paraguayan women, "with whom they had children.   Many of them received German pensions as former state officials.  With regard to the Führer's state of health, in general, except for the ailments typical of age, and to the physiognomy -without mustache and almost bald- the information obtained by Tilch coincides with the descriptions obtained by me in Argentina.
Mariano Llano

By marrying his daughter Maria Teresa, history professor and lawyer Mariano Llano had as his father-in-law the late General Emilio Diaz de Vivar, who served as Commander in Chief of the army, beginning in 1950, and then also as Paraguayan ambassador in the Spain of dictator Francisco Franco.
From his family relationship with this military man, Llano -who lived for a while in Argentina, working as a lawyer in Buenos Aires and La Plata- obtained information that Hitler had been in Paraguayan territory.

In 2004, Llano published this data in the first edition of the book "Hitler and the Nazis in Paraguay", a limited edition published in Asunción.  The author based it on the interviews he had with the former mayor of Asunción, Agustín Ávila, the talks held with his father-in-law Diaz de Vivar, and the information provided by Manuel Bernárdez, editor of the "La Mañana" newspaper in that city.

According to the historian, after the Perón government was overthrown, Hitler entered Paraguayan territory, in the south of that country, from the Argentine city of Posadas, arriving in the Paraguayan town of Encarnación, crossing the Paraná River, and then the area of Itapúa.  Hitler initially would have stayed some time in the house of Alban Krug, a Nazi fanatic, a merchant of the German colony Hohenau, located in Itapúa.

As in Argentina, in trying to reconstruct the history of post-war Hitler, in Paraguay we find witnesses of certain situations and separate accounts of different events carried out by the Führer.  They are pieces found during the investigation, to try to put together like a gigantic puzzle, to reconstruct the life of the Nazi chief in exile.
One such story, compiled by Llano, is related to a meeting between Diaz de Vivar and Hitler.  The general had a farm in the area of ​​Areguá, where a large number of German families had settled since the end of the 19th century, very close to the beautiful Lake Ypacaraí.  According to Llano's account, a woman of the von Schmeling family was the one who introduced Hitler to Diaz de Vivar, in that property of the Paraguayan military, in 1961.

That woman -Llano does not give her name- in fact, is the aforementioned Carmen, who was interviewed by Tilch.  A witness to that meeting would have been a maid, quoted as "Kika" in Llano's story, who would have taken care of the two men during their long talk that day.  [The nickname "Kika" corresponds to Francisca Acosta, according to the previous story of Tilch].
Was it feasible for the Führer to travel to that open place to meet with the powerful Paraguayan military man, to meet him and to keep a talk of hours?  For Professor Llano this did not present any major problems, since "it would have been possible for General Stroessner's Intelligence Service, with 35 years' experience -accompanied by the advice of the Argentine police from the time of the rule of General Perón, from 1945 to 1955- to allow the most wanted man in the world to expose himself to an informal visit".  It seems that this encounter, due to some indiscreet observation, was noticed since "it was commented on in the zone of Lake Ypacaraí, of great German influence, that Hitler had spoken with the general Diaz de Vivar".

A curious fact: at the time of writing this book, the Hotel del Lago -located in the area mentioned above- is promoted by tourists to have given accommodation to fugitive Germans. 

"Experiencing the Nazi Legacy in South America costs only about USD 40, a rate that goes out overnight in the best room of the Hotel del Lago, founded in 1888 on the shores of Lake Ypacaraí, in the small town of San Bernardino," says the advertisement located on the website


Adolf Hitler buried in a Crypt in the "Hotel del Lago" in San Bernardino in Paraguay
Oy Bey
12 January 2016

There is an increasingly widespread conviction about Adolf Hitler's stay in Argentina, and the certainty that he died and is buried in Paraguay, where he moved from Argentina -under the alias of Kurt Bruno Kirchner- in 1955 when President Juan Domingo Perón was overthrown, as did many other Nazis who left Argentina to neighboring countries, mainly Paraguay.

In the idyllic city of San Bernardino, near Lake Ypacarai, it is always whispered that the Führer, who died on 5 February 1971, is buried in a crypt where the Hotel del Lago rises. That in the first week of each month of February this hotel establishment closes its doors so that an exclusive group of Nazis can honor its leader.


The small town of San Bernardino was founded in 1888 by German families, paradoxically a year before the birth of Adolf Hitler, and today still houses an important German colony. In the mid-1930s, Nazism became popular later in Stroessner's Paraguay and especially in San Bernardino in which Bernhard Förster tried to create an Aryan colony in Paraguay.

Every day there is more doubt about the version of the suicide montage of Adolf Hitler and Eva Braun in the Bunker of the Chancellery of the Reich in 1945.

Current is the thesis of Hitler and Braun fled from Hörsching [Austria] to Barcelona in a plane piloted by Werner Baumbach, then to Cantabria -in the Las Quebrantas Lodge in the village of Somo, south of the bay of Santander- from there to Vigo -according to the British MI6 version- and in a submarine to the Argentine Patagonia, after a brief technical stopover in the Canary Islands, where they landed between July and August 1945. They settled near the city of Bariloche.

It is well known that the main Intelligence agencies in the world knew the presence of Hitler in South America, and that there was all kinds of documentary evidence and they never did anything.

The Ratlines organization provided escape routes for Nazis and fascists fleeing Europe after their defeat in World War II.

These routes led mainly to Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia and Paraguay; United States, Canada and the Middle East. Continuing with the Ratlines organization, there is a hypothesis of its relationship with the Pro-Deo Vatican intelligence service, whose founder, the Belgian Dominican Father Félix Morlion, who escaped in 1941 to the United States -worked in Psychological Warfare until 1944 - when persecuted by the Nazis because of his activities at the Pro Deo center in Brussels. Its role was vital in curbing the movements of Marxist ideology in Europe - especially in Italy - and America.

On the other hand, Bishop Alois Hudal, Rector of the Roman Pontifical Teutonic Institute Santa Maria dell'Anima, which was a seminary for priests from Germany and Austria, used this post to help escape sought-after Nazi war criminals by providing money and false identity documents, always supported by the Commissione Pontificia d'Assistenza [Vatican Refugee Organization] - documents that would be the first step to later obtain the desired passport of the International Committee of the Red Cross [ICRC], which relaxed identity checks in Basel due to the confidence put in the single word of Bishop Hudal.

Hudal wrote in his diary:

"The Allied war against Germany was not a Crusade, but a rivalry between economic complexes that fought for victory. For these reasons after 1945 I felt obliged to dedicate all my charitable work, mainly to former National Socialists and fascists, and especially to the so-called 'War Criminals'.

Protected prominent escapees by Bishop Hudal in the clandestine flight were the Nazis Erich Priebke, Klaus Barbie, Edward Roschmann, Walter Rauf, Alois Brunner, Franz Stangl, Gustav Wagner, Adolf Eichmann and Josef Mengele. Not to speak of the curious trajectory of the Nazi ideologue and personal secretary of the Führer, Martin Bormann, of whom the official version of his death crossing the Spree River in Berlin was known during the fall of the capital to Soviet hands on the night of 1 May 1945 when the reality is that a body was not found until 1972 when a group of workers excavated in the area to carry out works and found two corpses. One being  Bormann, responsible for the laundering of immense funds of the NSDAP with the collaboration of some great bankers.

The Argentine Federal Police always had a large file on Bormann, which tells how his body was repatriated to Germany in 1970 and that he was buried in the same place where he was said to have died. When his skull was tested by DNA in 1988, it was discovered that Bormann's skull was covered with a solid red earth. The expert on the part of the German state wanted to record in the record of the autopsy that this soil, which does not exist in Europe, was really Paraguayan soil.

The most powerful Nazi organization to help theirs evade their legal responsibilities for war crimes -preferably former SS officers-  is the organization known as ODESSA - Organisation der Ehemaligen SS-Angehörigen [Organization of Former SS Members] founded in 1946, which completed the protection work that had been started by previous organizations. ODESSA was made known by Simon Wiesenthal, who always maintained that it was not the only secret organization worldwide, but that there were several organizations, both open and covert [including OSS, now known as the CIA, several Latin American governments and networks of Catholic clergymen from Italy], who helped the ex-SS flee Germany.

During the Perón government, about 5,000 Nazis arrived in Argentina out of a total of 9,000 who arrived in South America through the ODESSA organization. It is known that Perón's government sold a total of 10,000 blank passports to ODESSA.

In 1938 following Hitler's policy on Jews in transit, the Argentine government secretly issued an Immigration Law restricting access to any individual "despised or abandoned by the government of his country". This implicitly pointed to Jews and other minorities fleeing Germany at this time. This legislation, although in disuse for many years, was revoked on 8 June 2005.

In the last days of the Third Reich a great number of high-ranking Nazi leaders escaped. How easy it would have been for the Führer to include himself among them.

It is possible to think that Hitler had the opportunity, the means and the opportunity to plan the farce of his suicide, that the Allies swallowed voluntarily - in exchange for powerful reasons as negotiated with the Allies who kept him under a protective shield of sectors of Anglo-American power, the same ones who had financed him so that, from humble painter, he became Chancellor of Germany, within a supposed Washington-Berlin secret pact that contemplated a plan of Nazi evacuation for people, technology, documents and currencies - which materialized especially in the transfer of nuclear technology, which, Germany having lost the war on the European stage, served to accelerate the end on the complicated front of the Pacific where the contest seemed to have no end.

The price seemed reasonable considering that the United States of Vice President Harry S. Truman -President in April 1945- would have an immense saving in the enormous cost of lives and resources in a war of attrition against Japan.

Stalin himself maintained until his death in 1953 that Hitler had fled and so let the Allies know in 1945. In the Russian archives there are three stark versions of Stalin who testified that he held his conviction to the end.

Stroessner's Confirmation

Llano, in 2011, revealed that Hitler's presence in Paraguay was confirmed by President Alfredo Stroesnner, whom he knew personally.  In this regard, the history professor says he telephoned Stroessner -who was living in Brasilia- on the anniversary of the birthday of the dictator and t took the opportunity to throw the decisive question. 

Llano described the call:

"I called him [General Stroessner] on 3 November 1994, the day of his birthday, to congratulate him, and when I asked him if he had given Hitler his protection, he said: 

'We Paraguayans are very humane ... Gervasio Artigas, the Uruguayan magnate who was persecuted by powerful neighbors, received our protection ... Why not Hitler?. .. a defeated army, persecuted by the world ... My friend  General Perón, the unparalleled Argentinean statesman, asked me a question ... Of course, I accepted ... '

In 2011, Llano gave a lecture to present the second edition of his book "Hitler and the Nazis in Paraguay".  When he finished making the presentation, a spectator asked for the floor and assured him that a friend of his had met Hitler in Paraguay:

"I know Julio Heinechen, a German who lives in San Bernardino. He is a manufacturer of jams and confectionery products. He told me that he had seen Hitler in San Bernardino more than once. I personally know Don Julio and I have his phone number. My nephew is married to a niece of his. We also have friends in common," said the man who surprised everyone present with this revelation.

With that information, my team of collaborators contacted Heinechen by telephone for an interview at his house.  On the phone, the man confirmed that he had met Hitler and agreed to be reported.  But the next day, when he was interviewed, he backed off and did not want to testify before the cameras.

On the other hand, Heinechen informally also admitted to having met Mengele, the Nazi war criminal and later the family doctor of "Alfredito" Stroessner, the son of the dictator, who suffered problems due to alcohol abuse and drug intake, being attended for these "inconveniences" by the fugitive German doctor.

Pedro Cáceres

After the first edition of his book on "Hitler in Paraguay", Llano received a call from Pedro Mariano Llano Cáceres who assured him that he had met Hitler and Eva Braun. 

Regarding Pedro Cáceres the story of Mariano Llano is as follows:
"When I arrived at the place indicated [by Caceres] -a magnificent two-storey house with a two-car garage, located in a fashionable area near the Paraguay River- I met son of Cáceres, an engineer named Romy. Mr. Caceres was sitting in the living room, a man in his seventies, and he told me the following: 'I was seventeen when I was recruited for conscription. One day I was assigned to the Home Office, located in the streets Estrella and Montevideo, in the center of Asunción. It was precisely at noon that I was on the ground floor, next to the stairs and under the first floor, where Dr. Edgar L. Insfrán was. He had, from his youth, been a member of the Nazi League - a strong man alongside General Alfredo Stroessner, who reigned the country from 1954 to 1989, a total of 34 years'.

"The man pointed us with his finger: 'You, and You ..., with me, now,' he ordered us. Three of us -we were armed- were selected. We got into a Mercedes-Benz, two soldiers in the back seat and one in the front next to the minister. We took Highway 2 in San Lorenzo, Capiatá, Itauguá, Ypacaraí, Caacupé and Coronel Oviedo, Caaguazú, heading east. Then we headed unpaved roads; the Ministry of Public Works had built only the road to the city of New Town, which was on the banks of the Paraná River, in front of Foz de Iguazú [Brazil].

"After 20 kilometers we entered a red dirt road, and we came to a dead end, in front of a large wooden door surrounded by barbed wire. There was a great movement of trucks and soldiers.The main building was on a hill, surrounded by lush trees.The house had been built in the Spanish style, with wide corridors and a chimney on the roof. Instrán parked ten meters from the entrance and entered through the front door to the house. After two hours, he came back accompanied by an old man, who walked very bent. I looked at the man, I tried to hide my emotion and I said to myself quietly, 'It's Hitler ... it's Hitler ...' They said goodbye with a handshake, Hitler was accompanied by a blond woman.  Then we went back to Asunción ... It was the year 1960 ... I have never told anyone.  Stroessner governed, with Insfrán, almost thirty years more, with an iron hand.  I kept an absolute silence until now"'. 

Dardo Castelluccio
Dardo Castelluccio, born in 1966, the son of an Italian fascist,  is the most well-known neo-Nazi in Paraguay.  He was a public official and currently runs an old bookshop specializing in American history and Paraguay in particular.
He man explained that he had performed military service in the police with Carlos Schreiber, who would later be the deputy chief of that force.  Casteluccio was linked to military and right-wing politicians and had access to important documents - especially those belonging to the Ministry of the Interior, the police and the army.  When interviewed for this investigation, he assured that he saw several documents related to the presence of Hitler in Paraguay.
Regarding testimony, he said that he received information about the presence of Hitler from the ministers Montanaro and Insfrán, the latter cited previously by witness Pedro Cáceres. 
"These people have personally confirmed to me that Hitler was here [in Paraguay]," he said.

"There are people who are very important, like the ministers, who have talked to me about it. Insfrán knew my father and I knew him when I was 15. And in one of the conversations I had with Interior Minister Insfrán, he told me that Hitler was in Paraguay".

That story, the presence of Hitler and other Nazis, "Commissioner Schreiber" as well as other agents of the Paraguayan police, Castelluccio said, also acknowledged.
"Especially Martin Bormann ... I could see during time with the police several documents that prove that he has lived in Paraguay and that he was buried in the cemetery of Itá [near Asuncion] .... there are documents in the police files and information on where he was buried".

For Casteluccio, as well as for several investigators, Bormann's skeleton, or part of it -his skull- was transferred from Paraguay to Berlin, where he was "found" in 1972, thus substantiating the theory that he had died in 1945.

The Córdoba-Asunción link
The Weilers are one of the oldest German families who settled in Paraguay.  They have several properties, among others the famous Hotel Cecilia in Asunción.  In January 2011 I had received the letter from a reader with the following text:
"Dear Mr. Basti, 
"I want to tell you about a personal experience.  Last month I was for professional reasons in Asuncion, Paraguay.  I had, due to the chaotic conditions of the highway, unexpectedly spend another night in a hotel because, under those circumstances, I could not go back to Buenos Aires.  I went to the Gran Hotel of Paraguay, of the Weiler family. 

"There, I was told that dictator Stroessner was a regular customer of that hotel and that the family [Weiler] had a good relationship with him.  When I later spoke to Mrs. Weiler, she told me that there was a small school in La Falda, Córdoba, raised at the behest of one Mertig [a Nazi financier living in Buenos Aires].  This Mertig was a very good friend of the Eichhorn family, owners of Hotel Eden, who went to the hotel [from Paraguay] every week.  At the same school were also the daughters of Mr. Lahusen.  The Weiler family has a house in Hurlingham, Buenos Aires. 

"Together with the Eichhorns, they must know much more.  She [Mrs. Weiler] told me: 'The Eichhorn family had a very good relationship with Hitler'. Moreover, even he [Hitler] has visited them once.  There must be a whole network of informed families in important posts today, and there must be many German families who can know this. 

"Perhaps it is worth interviewing Mrs. Weiler.  I have the impression that she has no problem talking openly about the past.  -- Greetings, FP"
This letter from the German professor -who out of fear asked that his identity not be revealed- was revealing to me the Weiler's relationship with the Eichhorns, and to the entrepreneur Pronazi Mertig, and it became a new clue. 

During the research conducted for this book I confirmed that Hilda Weiler, the owner of the Gran Hotel Paraguay, in her younger years, was an apprentice hotelier at the Hotel El Eden in Cordoba. thus, there is a relationship between the  Eichhorn couple -financiers and personal friends of Hitler- and Weiler. 

The Eichchorn were the ones who initially confirmed to the Weilers that the Führer had been in Cordoba in 1949.  In addition, Hilda Weiler recalled that a teacher of hers, Mrs. Anneliese Brunner, had also revealed that Hitler had been in Cordova after the war.

Mr. Paredes, a friend of the Weiler family, confirmed that Martin Bormann, Hans Ulrich Rudel and Otto Skorzeny were at the Weiler's Grand Hotel in Paraguay.  And that the famous pilot Rudel was a regular guest of said hotel establishment.

I also found an important fact that reveals that Hitler maintained personal communication with people of Paraguay already since before the war.  This is demonstrated at least in the case of Mrs. Felicia V. of Haseitel who resided in the street Francisco Franco 23 of Asuncion.  I was able to access a letter written by the Führer that he sent her on 14 January 1939.
The letter is a brief negative response to the woman, apparently about a request or proposal that she had expressed to Hitler in previous letters, whose texts we do not know.

It should be said that in Paraguay all this information is a common currency -at the time it was an open secret- but today it can be accessed, in certain circles, with some ease and people comment naturally, and without any sign of concern to make known such significant data, which contradict the official history.  Paraguayans always knew that their country received a senior Nazis and details of their lives are discussed in that nation, but they do not deny these stories, including Hitler's presence in that nation.

The death of Hitler

When did Hitler die?  And what happened to his corpse?
They are logical questions if, after all the information contributed, it appears as a certain possibility the fact that the head of the Third Reich did not commit suicide in Berlin, but secretly escaped to South America and lived - together with his wife and possibly his daughter Uschi- several years in exile.
In 1952, US President Eisenhower said Hitler could have escaped and -at the other end of the international political arc- Soviet leader Josef Stalin, until he died in 1953, claimed that Hitler had fled "to Spain or Argentina".

The German state only declared him dead in 1956 in "presumption of death", without evidence of his suicide, after more than ten years of his supposed death in the Bunker of Berlin.  With that formality, to decree the death of the Nazi chief -which implies that legally Hitler was alive at least between 1945 and 1956- the case was closed for the Germans.

But this was not the case for the Intelligence services, such as the CIA -which had at least two documents on the Führer in Colombia- or for the FBI, as shown in File No. 65-53615, referring to Adolf Hitler in Argentina.

According to a FBI report, dated
21 September 1945
-a follow-up to the earlier
14 August 1945
report of Hitler after the
fall of Berlin arriving by
German U-Boat
in the south of Argentina
- File 65-53615-
the information could
not be verified 


Hitler's flight to Argentina

The Soviets crushed the German defense forces of the city and finally entered the previously unassailable refuge of Berlin to apprehend Hitler.

At this point in time-the Nazis already knew that they would have lost the war for a couple of years and had therefore prepared an evacuation plan - the Führer, the great enemy who had once seemed invincible, was defeated.  But he was still useful in the fight against Communism in Europe.  The Allies knew this, and Hitler's death would have represented a great loss -if not the greatest one that could befall anti-Communist leaders- for a future struggle against the Soviets.  Consequently the United States, and especially the interests of the Anglo-American right, had made it clear that Hitler had to be saved.

A small part of the "Nazi front line" was condemned by the Nuremberg courts, but "Number One" could not be sacrificed.  His legitimate wife, Eva Braun, as well as some hierarchs who were never captured, also enjoyed absolute protection.

That is why Hitler was evacuated -the original plan was conceived by the Nazis, as well as its instrumentation - but could only be executed from the moment that Berlin received the green light of Washington- to a place safe and secure in the world. It was Patagonia.

When Soviet troops entered Hitler's refuge, Russian leader Josef Stalin immediately called for a report on the fate of the Führer.  The news that his generals gave him was definite: the most wanted man had escaped.  In these same terms Stalin communicated this to the United States.  The expansion of the shocking initial information is disturbing since the Soviets also affirmed that Hitler had fled in submarine, with presumed destiny to Spain or Argentina.

All of the above is documented -even published by the newspapers of the time- and anyone who wants to question the flight of Hitler should start by knowing this part of the official history which was then covered with official misinformation.

Newspapers and periodicals published a large number of articles about Hitler's escape and his arrival in Patagonia, either through their own investigations or by reproducing the statements of military leaders, both Soviet and American.

For example, this is a reference to a story initially published by the American newspaper "Chicago Times", in its 17 July 1945 edition.


It was clear at the time -with Stalin's military forces in Germany and much of Europe- that it was the dawn of a new world situation, involving a growing tension between the Allied countries and the Moscow government. In short, Capitalism faced atheistic Communism.  The Nazis rejected the ideology of Karl Marx and, unlike the ideology of the left, allowed the existence of capital and private initiative.  The German economy had strong state control, but it consented to private enterprises and private property.  Therefore the position of the Third Reich was closer to Washington than to Moscow.

Hitler's "rescue" meant a triumph in the face of the threatening "Red Danger", ready to advance over other countries of the globe.  It was a guarantee, a precaution.  A way to ensure the survival of a leader who, no doubt, might be useful in the future.  That future moment was perceived as a third World War -to push back the Russians of Europe to the East by all possible means- that could begin a few months after the end of the Second.  This was already in the plans of the Allied powers.

- Who could command that battle in Europe against the Soviets?
- Who with a single speech would raise the German army?
- Who would raise the masses against Moscow?

Obviously the most capable leader for this "crusade" was Hitler.  And the ideologically best prepared army, for that fight against Communism, was the Nazi one.

When Berlin surrendered, on 8 May 1945, strategists were seeing the day after, the division of the world, the next conflict at the gate and all that it meant.

This explanation, about the "obligation" to save Hitler, might not have been understood a few years ago when in the Western world it was still thought that there was one good and one bad side.  The first one led by the United States, made up of countries as well as business sectors and related politicians, with common interests, and with "good intentions" take on Nazism.  Had Hitler really been like that, he would have had no escape.

Today, instead, the truth is that good people are not so good.  It is understood that the cause of the great evils of the world are the strong economic interests that make and break countries, generate wars, and kill millions of innocent people.

Today, instead, the truth is that good people are not so good.  It is understood that the cause of the great evils of the world are the strong economic interests that make and break countries, generate wars, and kill millions of innocent people.

Perhaps now, with this vision of the different planet, accessible to all by modern communication circuits, the story of Hitler's escape becomes credible and understandable.  Or at least a topic of debate and not a mere truth imposed by the interests of the shift.  Perhaps those who criticize this new vision of history can do so from a perspective that enriches the theme, because one thing is certain, only from the confrontation of ideas does the truth arise, and every day more everything seems to indicate that this was very different from the one that they told us.


"I saw Hitler when my bosses ordered me to cut branches in a timber yard near Otto Hill. I was sitting on a chair and I recognized him from the pictures of the newspaper," said Celestino Quijada. 

"My mother told us on different occasions that her parents had attended to Hitler in the reservation of the stay San Ramón, located at the entrance of Bariloche," said Victor Then.

These testimonies taken by "Revista Noticias" in Patagonia renew the controversy over the alleged presence of Adolf Hitler in Argentina and the house in which he would have taken refuge.

The Hypotheses: 

"In a secret document of the CIA of 17 October 1955, there is a photo in which Hitler is seen in 1954 with another Nazi, Phillip Citroen, in Colombia", says journalist and researcher Abel Basti. 

Sitting in the living room of his house in Bariloche, he exhibits a facsimile of this find and already dreams of getting the original photo.

Hitler was in Tunja [Colombia] in 1954, according to CIA documents, declassified May 2001 including a testimony of Philip Citroen, a former Waffen-SS member, who worked in South America for the KNSM ["Koninklijke Nederlandse Stoomboot-Maatschappi" - Royal Dutch Steamboat Company- an Amsterdam-based shipping company].

In 1954 Citroen had once a month contact with Adolf Hitler who lived then under the name "Adolf Schüttelmer in Tunja. He told in September 1955 in confidence about his meetings with Hitler to an American friend, who worked for the CIA.

In the CIA file on Hitler, the full report is available of Citroen's encounters, including photos of him and Hitler,alias Adolf Schüttelmeyer..


According to his book "Follwing the Footsteps of Hitler" Basti says that Hitler visited several countries of South America with different false identities, including that of Kurt Bruno Kirchner that he used during his stay in Paraguay.  He said that "he did not live cloistered" but that he moved with total freedom not only within the Argentine territory, but also in countries like Brazil, Colombia and Paraguay, and the main Intelligence agencies in the world, such as the American CIA and the British MI6, had reports and photographs confirming Hitler's presence in South America after 1945.

Although at the end of World War II it was announced that Adolf Hitler had committed suicide in his Bunker along with wife, Germany did not officially declare him dead until 10 years later. 

"In fact, he had for many years a strange legal status, since he was not condemned and there was not even a warrant for his capture".

Basti, who has been trying to rebuild Hitler's route to Argentina for years, believes his escape would not have been possible without the complicity of the United States, which considered that its enemy would be a "key piece" in the fight against the communism in the postwar period.

"I have no doubt that at the end of World War II Hitler escaped from Germany under a protective shield of Anglo-American sectors of power, the same ones who had financed him so that, as a humble painter, he became Chancellor of Germany".

Basti also speaks of the existence of a supposed Washington-Berlin pact that contemplated a plan of Nazi evacuation for people, technology, documents and currencies.

Is Hitler dead? Examiner
[Launceston, Tas]
6 July 1945

The report that a body found in the Chancellery in Berlin resembling in some respects that of Hitler definitely is not the genuine article has strengthened the rather widely held belief that the creator of Nazism is alive and in hiding.

Even those who formerly rejected this theory must now, in the light of the failure of searchers to discover any trace of Hitler or his woman friend, be disposed to entertain it. All other top- ranking Nazis have been accounted for, dead or alive. It is strange that the one wanted most of all seems to have disappeared without trace. We may be certain, though, that if Hitler is still alive he will soon be found. There is no country in which he could consider himself safe very long.

The principal objective of the United Nations in Europe was the wiping out of the evil structure built by Hitler. The apprehension and punishment of individuals, though an important aim, was subsidiary. But it is painful to think that a man with so much blood on his hands may be escaping, even for a brief while, the pre-trial prison cell.

Former US Secretary of State Jimmy Byrnes in his book, "Speaking Frankly", says that during the Potsdam conference in August 1945, when he asked Stalin about his Hitler death theory, the Soviet leader replied: "He is not is dead.  He escaped to Spain or Argentina".

The hypothesis that Hitler escaped on 27 April 1945 and days later embarked on a submarine to Patagonia, with his wife Eva Braun, was reflected shortly afterwards in the main news agencies and newspapers around the world.

The recent appearance in Britain of the book "Gray Wolf: The Escape of Adolf Hitler", where journalist Gerrard Williams and historian Simon Dunstan claim that Hitler faked his suicide and escaped to Argentina, has again unleashed the controversy over the true end of the Nazi leader and the hidden network of conveniences by which the Allies facilitated their escape.

According to the evidence gathered, the Führer and his mistress Eva Braun left on a secret flight from Germany in April 1945 bound for Argentina, thanks to the help of US Intelligence that would have been an accomplice in the escape, In exchange for access to Nazi warfare technology.

The FBI continued to process information concerning the Nazi leader until the early 1970s, when it appears to have been "closed," a circumstance that could indicate that this occurred when Hitler's real demise occurred.

When did Hitler die?  This is the great question to close the story of his life in exile. 

There do not appear to be any reports from the 1970s that speak of a living Hitler, contrary to previous years.  This is just a fact to keep in mind.  There being no documentation declassified about his death -a great secret kept by the powers under seven turns of the key- the possibility of investigating is limited to witnesses or circumstantial evidence.
Captain Manuel Monasterio [under the pseudonym, Jeff Kristenssen] in his book "Hitler died in Argentina" claims to have access to the report of a certain Dr. Lehmann, who attended to Hitler in his last hours of life.  In these writings it is affirmed that the Nazi leader suffered symptoms of senile dementia and that he died, affected by hemiplegia, on 13 February 1962, in a room where he was living, in the south of Argentina.

Monasterio claims to have met a bodyguard of Hitler, who told him that he cared for the Führer in Argentina.  With the few facts that this man gave him, Monasterio wrote his book, having the complete certainty, thanks to the bodyguard's account, that Hitler had lived in the country.  But Monasterio himself  admitted, during the personal encounters that I had with him, that the book is a novel, from which the data can not be taken as real.

Captain Monasterio published his book, "Hitler murio en la Argentina" [Hitler Died in Argentina] in 1987, and although he claims he made part of it up -to avoid trouble with the Argentine authorities at the time- he insists that the most salient points are true.

Video interviews with eyewitnesses filmed in the 1990s while Abel Basti was working for "Ambito Financiero", one of Argentina's most respected daily newspapers, are compelling. It is the words of these witnesses, on a tape given to us by the paper's editorial director Ricardo D'Aloia, that have contributed to the findings published in "Grey Wolf: The Escape of Adolf Hitler":

"In over twenty research trips to Argentina, a beautiful country full of wonderful people, one thing has always surprised us: everyone we spoke to about the possibility of Hitler living there after the war believes it was eminently possible and in many cases definitely true.

"It is often dropped into conversation quite innocently. On one investigative trip, we were in the city of Córdoba planning a foray to the dilapidated Hotel Viena on the shores of Mar Chiquita, a large inland salt lake. We asked the young receptionist at our hotel for the best route from Argentina's second city to Mar Chiquita. Without knowing why we were going to Mar Chiquita, she took our map and politely showed our interpreter the best route to get there. After we had finished with the map, she said to us:

'Oh, you must try the fish, it's sea fish in the middle of Argentina! And then if you're bored you can visit the Hotel Viena where Hitler and his wife used to stay after the war'.

"Similar stories greeted us throughout our trips. On 20 April 2007, we were in San Carlos de Bariloche smoking cigarettes outside the town's casino. A man in his seventies approached us and asked for a light and then, somewhat incongruously, inquired if we were South African. Explaining that Gerrard was Welsh and Simon English, we asked him where he was from. "Chile," he replied, explaining that he ran a fish-farming business there. We offered him a cigarette and commented that Bariloche felt very German and there were a lot of German speakers everywhere, much of the food, architecture, and culture was Germanic, and many of the street names were in German. He replied that the place was full of Nazis, particularly tonight, the anniversary of the Führer's birthday. He should know, he said; his father was the "Gauleiter" [Nazi Party regional leader] of Hamburg, Germany, and when Hitler visited Hamburg he would always stay at their home. With a cheerful 'Auf Wiedersehen', he then walked off into the night. We had scores of similar encounters in the deepest reaches of Patagonia....."

-- Simon Dunstan and Gerrard Williams

Funeral Ceremony

Unofficial information about the end of the German leader's life -I have no access to official documents proving Hitler's death and the fate of his remains- comes from the testimony of a former Brazilian soldier named Fernando Nogueira de Araújo.

The discovery of this unpublished witness -whose statements were filmed- belongs to the Brazilian journalist Marcelo Netto whom I met personally a few years ago and with whom I maintain an exchange of information related to the Hitler case.

Araújo was linked to the Nazis who lived in Brazil, maintaining a close friendship with Haroldo Ernest, presumably the son of an important Nazi, who had information related to Hitler's passage through Brazil.

According to Araújo's account -about information provided by Ernest and other older German he knew- Hitler frequented an important German colony, with Nazis who had escaped from Europe, located in southern Brazil.  Even the Führer, during his exile in South America, would have been living for some time in that place.

In the 1950s, Juscelino Kubistchek, a presidential candidate, apparently under pressure from certain sectors of power, secretly summoned the Nazis of that colony to abandon it.  Kubistchek also made it clear that in case he won the election -to be held on 3 October 1955- Nazi leaders who were refugees in the country, should emigrate before his inauguration as President scheduled for 31 January 1956. Otherwise he would appear before the United Nations to denounce those Nazis who were being sought by international justice.

As a result of this threat, which was carried out in a reserved manner and did publicized, about four hundred Nazis left for Paraguay, while another two hundred moved to a neighborhood in San Pablo, Brazil, where it had been agreed that they would work in the companies Bayer and Mercedes Benz.

Fernando, thanks to the ties he had established with Haroldo, tightened his relationship with German National Socialists and in 1967 met an Austrian Nazi named Hugo.  In 1967, Hugo invited Fernando to one of the celebrations that -as in different parts of the world- were held [and are held] on 20 April of each year, in commemoration of Hitler's birthday.  It must be said that at this celebration of his birthday,  Hitler did not participate  in person.

The ceremony that Ferdinand participated in, which allowed him to deepen his relations with the Nazis, was in 1967 at a site in Itatiaia, Rio de Janeiro, and was organized by war criminal Franz "Gustl" Wagner, who had been an SS official of the Sobibór extermination camp, in Poland, where thousands died.

At the end of the war, Wagner escaped to Brazil with his boss, Franz Stangl, commander of Sobibór, who worked there at the Volkswagen company of São Paulo. 
So Ferdnando moved in high Nazi circles, of which, by certain circumstances and by the confidence that he had gained with between them, several years later would obtain the information of the date of the true death of Hitler: 5 February 1971.

The Funeral Bunker
We do not know where the Führer was buried initially, but two years after, his dead body was transferred to a specially prepared place - still in Paraguay.

According to Ferdnando's account, with a special ceremony, Hitler's skeleton was taken to a crypt, located in the deepest place of a large underground Bunker built by the Nazis. 

With respect to these facilities, it will be obvious to say where the exact place where they are, since Fernando would know, since he was present where the mortal remains of the former German chancellor were deposited.

In this regard, and according to the account of this witness, he was able to attend the ceremony that took place almost two years after the Führer's death, in January 1973, when it was decided to close the crypt. Fernando says that he was the only Brazilian representative invited to participate in this incredible event that was attended about forty selected people, mostly older people who had met Hitler.  Fernando said that the invitation came from his friend Haroldo Ernest -this man's father was a Nazi leader - a month earlier, in December 1972, which would reveal the anticipation with which the ceremony was organized.

Fernando left for the place indicated -he had all expenses paid, including accomodation- with his wife, although she was then unable to attend, since women were barred from accessing the ceremony except for two nurses who cared for their patients - old Nazis who were there despite the delicate state of health that they suffered.

Already in the place, with their identities accredited, about forty guests were gathered - as Fernando said- and they descended, in an elevator, to the lowest levels of the Bunker.  There was a door with a staircase that led to a crypt, where Hitler's coffin was located.  When the whole group was assembled, it was announced that the entrance to the crypt would be closed, and one of the people who were present took a bucket with cement and a mason's spatula.  Then he began to mortar bricks to close the narrow entrance to the Führer's crypt, building a wall that blocked access to the coffin that holds Hitler's last remains.  After this work was done, the ceremony concluded and the guests left.

It should be noted that the entrance to this subterranean shelter was once inside an old wooden building, a former German club.  Then, it was demolished and a modern and exclusive hotel was built.  So, to get to the Bunker, you must first enter that private building that protects, until today, the camouflaged entrance of the Bunker.

The first week of February of each year -the anniversary of the death of the Nazi leader is on 5 February- the hotel establishment is blocked to tourists since their places are reserved, long before, by an exclusive group that honors there, until now, its undisputed leader: Adolf Hitler, the man who changed their lives, and the whole world, forever.